# $FreeBSD: head/lib/libunbound/Makefile 298107 2016-04-16 07:45:30Z gjb $

# Vendor sources and generated files
LDNSDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../contrib/ldns
UNBOUNDDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../contrib/unbound

# Hold my beer and watch this
.PATH: ${UNBOUNDDIR} ${UNBOUNDDIR}/dns64 ${UNBOUNDDIR}/iterator ${UNBOUNDDIR}/sldns ${UNBOUNDDIR}/libunbound ${UNBOUNDDIR}/services ${UNBOUNDDIR}/services/cache ${UNBOUNDDIR}/util ${UNBOUNDDIR}/util/data ${UNBOUNDDIR}/util/storage ${UNBOUNDDIR}/validator 

LIB=	unbound
PACKAGE=	unbound


SRCS=	alloc.c as112.c autotrust.c config_file.c configlexer.l configparser.y \
	context.c dname.c dns.c dns64.c dnstree.c fptr_wlist.c infra.c \
	iter_delegpt.c iter_donotq.c iter_fwd.c iter_hints.c iter_priv.c \
	iter_resptype.c iter_scrub.c iter_utils.c iterator.c keyraw.c \
	libunbound.c libworker.c listen_dnsport.c localzone.c locks.c log.c \
	lookup3.c lruhash.c mesh.c mini_event.c modstack.c module.c \
	msgencode.c msgparse.c msgreply.c net_help.c netevent.c \
	outbound_list.c outside_network.c packed_rrset.c parse.c \
	parseutil.c random.c rbtree.c regional.c rrdef.c rrset.c rtt.c \
	sbuffer.c slabhash.c str2wire.c timehist.c tube.c val_anchor.c \
	val_kcache.c val_kentry.c val_neg.c val_nsec.c val_nsec3.c \
	val_secalgo.c val_sigcrypt.c val_utils.c validator.c \
	winsock_event.c wire2str.c


LIBADD=	ssl crypto pthread

# Misnamed file in upstream source
configlexer.l: configlexer.lex
	${CP} ${.ALLSRC} ${.TARGET}
CLEANFILES+= configlexer.l

# Symbol prefix for lex and yacc
LFLAGS= -Pub_c_
YFLAGS= -pub_c_ -d

.include <bsd.lib.mk>