Please see the README for instructions common to all platforms and
descriptions of the options mentioned here.


Most modern Linux distributions use Linux-PAM with a password changing
module which understands "use_authtok".  Thus, you may choose which
module prompts for the old password, things should work either way.


As of this writing (April 2002), FreeBSD-current is moving to OpenPAM
which pam_passwdqc already includes support for.  The next step would
be for FreeBSD to start actually using PAM from password changing.
Once that becomes a reality, you should be able to use pam_passwdqc
with FreeBSD.


pam_passwdqc has to ask for the old password during the update phase.
Use "ask_oldauthtok=update check_oldauthtok" with pam_passwdqc and
"use_first_pass" with pam_unix.

You will likely also need to set "max=8" in order to actually enforce
not-so-weak passwords with the obsolete "traditional" crypt(3) hashes
that most Solaris systems use.  Of course this way you only get about
one third of the functionality of pam_passwdqc.