#! /usr/local/bin/perl

## mdoc2man.pl -- Convert mdoc tags to man tags
## Author:	Harlan Stenn <stenn@ntp.org>
##  This file is part of AutoOpts, a companion to AutoGen.
##  AutoOpts is free software.
##  AutoOpts is Copyright (C) 1992-2015 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
##  AutoOpts is available under any one of two licenses.  The license
##  in use must be one of these two and the choice is under the control
##  of the user of the license.
##   The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later
##      See the files "COPYING.lgplv3" and "COPYING.gplv3"
##   The Modified Berkeley Software Distribution License
##      See the file "COPYING.mbsd"
##  These files have the following sha256 sums:
##  8584710e9b04216a394078dc156b781d0b47e1729104d666658aecef8ee32e95  COPYING.gplv3
##  4379e7444a0e2ce2b12dd6f5a52a27a4d02d39d247901d3285c88cf0d37f477b  COPYING.lgplv3
##  13aa749a5b0a454917a944ed8fffc530b784f5ead522b1aacaf4ec8aa55a6239  COPYING.mbsd

### ToDo
# Properly implement -columns in the "my %lists" definition...
# .Xr requires at least 1 arg, the code here expects at least 2

package mdoc2man;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__);
use Mdoc qw(hs ns pp mapwords son soff stoggle gen_encloser);

## Basic

Mdoc::def_macro( '.Sh', sub { '.SH', hs, @_ }, raw => 1);
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Ss', sub { '.SS', hs, @_ }, raw => 1);
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Pp', sub { ".sp \\n(Ppu\n.ne 2\n" } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Nd', sub { "\\- @_" } );

# Macros that enclose things
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Brq', gen_encloser(qw({ }))          , greedy => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Op' , gen_encloser(qw([ ]))          , greedy => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Qq' , gen_encloser(qw(" "))          , greedy => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Dq' , gen_encloser(qw(\*[Lq] \*[Rq])), greedy => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Ql' , gen_encloser(qw(\[oq] \[cq]))  , greedy => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Sq' , gen_encloser(qw(\[oq] \[cq]))  , greedy => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Pq' , gen_encloser(qw/( )/)          , greedy => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.D1' , sub { ".in +4\n", ns, @_ , ns , "\n.in -4" } , greedy => 1);

Mdoc::def_macro( 'Oo',  sub { '[', @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( 'Oc',  sub { ']', @_ } );

Mdoc::def_macro( 'Po',  sub { '(', @_} );
Mdoc::def_macro( 'Pc',  sub { ')', @_ } );

Mdoc::def_macro( 'Bro', sub { '{', ns, @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( 'Brc', sub { '}', @_ } );

Mdoc::def_macro( '.Oo',  gen_encloser(qw([ ])), concat_until => '.Oc' );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Bro', gen_encloser(qw({ })), concat_until => '.Brc' );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Po',  gen_encloser(qw/( )/), concat_until => '.Pc' );

Mdoc::def_macro( '.Ev', sub { @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.An', sub { ".NOP ", @_, "\n.br" }, raw => 1 );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Li', sub { mapwords {"\\f[C]$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Cm', sub { mapwords {"\\f\\*[B-Font]$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Ic', sub { mapwords {"\\f\\*[B-Font]$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Fl', sub { mapwords {"\\f\\*[B-Font]\\-$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Ar', sub { mapwords {"\\f\\*[I-Font]$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Em', sub { mapwords {"\\fI$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Va', sub { mapwords {"\\fI$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Sx', sub { mapwords {"\\fI$_\\f[]"} @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Xr', sub { "\\fC".(shift)."\\f[]\\fR(".(shift).")\\f[]", @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Fn', sub { "\\f\\*[B-Font]".(shift)."\\f[]\\fR()\\f[]" } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Fn', sub { "\\fB".(shift)."\\f[]\\fR()\\f[]" } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Fx', sub { "FreeBSD", @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Ux', sub { "UNIX", @_ } );

Mdoc::def_macro( '.No', sub { ".NOP", map { ($_, ns) } @_ } );
Mdoc::def_macro( '.Pa', sub { mapwords {"\\fI$_\\f[]"} @_; } );
    my $name;
    Mdoc::def_macro('.Nm', sub {
        $name = shift if (!$name);
        "\\f\\*[B-Font]$name\\fP", @_
    } );

## lists

my %lists = (
    bullet => sub {
        Mdoc::def_macro('.It', sub { '.IP \fB\(bu\fP 2' });

    column => sub {
        Mdoc::def_macro('.It', sub { '.IP \fB\(bu\fP 2' });

    tag    => sub {
        my (%opts) = @_;

        my $width = '';

        if (exists $opts{width}) {
            $width = ' '.((length $opts{width})+1);

        if (exists $opts{compact}) {
            my $dobrns = 0;
            Mdoc::def_macro('.It', sub {
                    my @ret = (".TP$width\n.NOP", hs);
                    if ($dobrns) {
                        ".br\n.ns\n", ns, @ret, @_;
                    else {
                        $dobrns = 1;
                        @ret, @_;
                }, raw => 1);
        else {
            Mdoc::def_macro('.It', sub {
                    ".TP$width\n.NOP", hs, @_
                }, raw => 1);

Mdoc::set_Bl_callback(do { my $nested = 0; sub {
    my $type = shift;
    my %opts = Mdoc::parse_opts(@_);
    if (defined $type && $type =~ /-(\w+)/ && exists $lists{$1}) {

        # Wrap nested lists with .RS and .RE
        Mdoc::set_El_callback(sub { 
                return '.RE' if $nested-- > 1;
                return '.PP';


        if ($nested++) {
            return ".RS";
        else {
            return ();
    else {
        die "Invalid list type <$type>";
}}, raw => 1);

# don't bother with arguments for now and do what mdoc2man'.sh' did

Mdoc::def_macro('.Bd', sub { ".br\n.in +4\n.nf" } );
Mdoc::def_macro('.Ed', sub { ".in -4\n.fi" } );

Mdoc::set_Re_callback(sub { 
        my ($reference) = @_;

# Define all macros which have the same sub for inline and standalone macro
for (qw(Xr Em Ar Fl Ic Cm Qq Op Nm Pa Sq Li Va Brq Pq Fx Ux)) {
    my $m = Mdoc::get_macro(".$_");
    Mdoc::def_macro($_, delete $m->{run}, %$m);

sub print_line {
    print shift;
    print "\n";

sub run {
    print <<'DEFS';
.de1 NOP
.  it 1 an-trap
.  if \\n[.$] \,\\$*\/
.ie t \
.ds B-Font [CB]
.ds I-Font [CI]
.ds R-Font [CR]
.el \
.ds B-Font B
.ds I-Font I
.ds R-Font R

    while (my ($macro, @args) = Mdoc::parse_line(\*STDIN, \&print_line)) {
        my @ret = Mdoc::call_macro($macro, @args);
        print_line(Mdoc::to_string(@ret)) if @ret;
    return 0;

exit run(@ARGV) unless caller;
