#!/local/bin/perl --*-perl-*-
;# ntptrap,v 3.1 1993/07/06 01:09:15 jbj Exp
;# a client for the xntp mode 6 trap mechanism
;# Copyright (c) 1992 
;#  Rainer Pruy Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
$0 =~ s!^.*/([^/]+)$!$1!;		# strip to filename
;# enforce STDOUT and STDERR to be line buffered
$| = 1;

;# load utility routines and definitions
require('ntp.pl');			# implementation of the NTP protocol
use Socket;

#eval { require('sys/socket.ph'); require('netinet/in.ph') unless defined(&INADDR_ANY); } ||
#do {
  #die("$0: $@") unless $[ == index($@, "Can't locate ");
  #warn "$0: $@";
  #warn "$0: supplying some default definitions\n";
  #eval 'sub INADDR_ANY { 0; } sub AF_INET {2;} sub SOCK_DGRAM {2;} 1;' || die "$0: $@";
require('getopts.pl');			# option parsing
require('ctime.pl');			# date/time formatting

;# define some global constants
$MAX_TRY = 5;
$REFRESH_TIME=60*15;		# 15 minutes (server uses 1 hour)
$ntp'timeout = $FRAG_TIMEOUT; #';
$ntp'timeout if 0;

;# now process options
sub usage
    die("usage: $0 [-p <port>] [-l <logfile>] [host] ...\n");

&usage unless &Getopts('l:p:');
&Getopts if 0;	# make -w happy

$opt_l = "/dev/null"	# where to write debug messages to
    if (!$opt_l);
$opt_p = 0		# port to use locally - (0 does mean: will be chosen by kernel)
    if (!$opt_p);

@Hosts = ($#ARGV < $[) ? ("localhost") : @ARGV;

;# setup for debug output

open(DEBUG,">>$DEBUGFILE") || die("Cannot open \"$DEBUGFILE\": $!\n");

;# &log prints a single trap record (adding a (local) time stamp)
sub log
    print "$date ",@_,"\n";

sub debug
    print DEBUG @_,"\n";
$proto_udp = (getprotobyname('udp'))[$[+2] ||
		(warn("$0: Could not get protocoll number for 'udp' using 17"), 17);

$ntp_port = (getservbyname('ntp','udp'))[$[+2] ||
	      (warn("$0: Could not get port number for service ntp/udp using 123"), 123);

socket(S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_DGRAM, $proto_udp) || die("Cannot open socket: $!\n");

bind(S, pack("S n a4 x8", &AF_INET, $opt_p, &INADDR_ANY)) ||
    die("Cannot bind: $!\n");

($my_port, $my_addr) = (unpack("S n a4 x8",getsockname(S)))[$[+1,$[+2];
&log(sprintf("Listening at address %d.%d.%d.%d port %d",
	     unpack("C4",$my_addr), $my_port));

;# disregister with all servers in case of termination
sub cleanup
    &log("Aborted by signal \"$_[$[]\"") if defined($_[$[]);

    foreach (@Hosts)
	if ( ! defined($Host{$_}) )
		print "no info for host '$_'\n";
	&ntp'send(S,31,0,"",pack("Sna4x8",&AF_INET,$ntp_port,$Host{$_})); #';

$SIG{'HUP'} = 'cleanup';
$SIG{'INT'} = 'cleanup';
$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'cleanup';
$SIG{'TERM'} = 'cleanup';

0 && $a && $b;
sub timeouts			# sort timeout id array
    $TIMEOUTS{$a} <=> $TIMEOUTS{$b};

;# a Request element looks like: pack("a4SC",addr,associd,op)
@Requests= ();

;# compute requests for set trap control msgs to each host given
    foreach (@Hosts)
	if (/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
	    ($name,$addr) =
	    unless (defined($name))
		$name = sprintf("[[%d.%d.%d.%d]]",$1,$2,$3,$4);
		$addr = pack("C4",$1,$2,$3,$4);
	    ($name,$addr) = (gethostbyname($_))[$[,$[+4];
	    unless (defined($name))
		warn "$0: unknown host \"$_\" - ignored\n";
	next if defined($Host{$name});
	$Host{$name} = $addr;
	$Host{$_} = $addr;
	push(@Requests,pack("a4SC",$addr,0,6));	# schedule a set trap request for $name

sub hostname
    local($addr) = @_;
    return $HostName{$addr} if defined($HostName{$addr});
    local($name) = gethostbyaddr($addr,&AF_INET);
    &debug(sprintf("hostname(%d.%d.%d.%d) = \"%s\"",unpack("C4",$addr),$name))
	if defined($name);
    defined($name) && ($HostName{$addr} = $name) && (return $name);
    &debug(sprintf("Failed to get name for %d.%d.%d.%d",unpack("C4",$addr)));
    return sprintf("[%d.%d.%d.%d]",unpack("C4",$addr));

;# when no hosts were given on the commandline no requests have been scheduled
&usage unless (@Requests);

&debug(sprintf("%d request(s) scheduled",scalar(@Requests)));
grep(&debug("    - ".$_),keys(%Host));

;# allocate variables;
$op = 0;
$timeout = 0;
@TIMEOUTS = ();		

$len = 512;
$buf = " " x $len;

while (1)
    if (@Requests || @TIMEOUTS)		# if there is some work pending
	if (@Requests)
	    ($addr,$assoc,$op) = unpack("a4SC",($req = shift(@Requests)));
	    &debug(sprintf("Request: %s: %s(%d)",&hostname($addr), &ntp'cntrlop_name($op), $assoc)); #';))
	    $ret = &ntp'send(S,$op,$assoc,"", #'(

	    last unless (defined($ret)); # warn called by ntp'send();

	    ;# if there are more requests just have a quick look for new messages
	    ;# otherwise grant server time for a response
	    $timeout = @Requests ? 0 : $BASE_TIMEOUT;
	if ($timeout && @TIMEOUTS)
	    ;# ensure not to miss a timeout
	    if ($timeout + time > $TIMEOUTS{$TIMEOUTS[$[]})
		$timeout = $TIMEOUTS{$TIMEOUTS[$[]} - time;
		$timeout = 0 if $timeout < 0;
	;# no work yet - wait for some messages dropping in
	;# usually this will not hapen as the refresh semantic will
	;# always have a pending timeout

    vec($mask="",fileno(S),1) = 1;
    $ret = select($mask,undef,undef,$timeout);

    warn("$0: select: $!\n"),last if $ret < 0;	# give up on error return from select

    if ($ret == 0)
	;# timeout
	if (@TIMEOUTS && time > $TIMEOUTS{$TIMEOUTS[$[]})
	    ;# handle timeout
	    $timeout_proc =
		(delete $TIMEOUT_PROCS{$TIMEOUTS[$[]},
		 delete $TIMEOUTS{shift(@TIMEOUTS)})[$[];
	    eval $timeout_proc;
	    die "timeout eval (\"$timeout_proc\"): $@\n" if $@;
	;# else: there may be something to be sent
	;# data avail
	$from = recv(S,$buf,$len,0);
	;# give up on error return from recv
	warn("$0: recv: $!\n"), last unless (defined($from));

	$from = (unpack("Sna4",$from))[$[+2]; # keep host addr only
	;# could check for ntp_port - but who cares
	&debug("-Packet from ",&hostname($from));

	;# stuff packet into ntp mode 6 receive machinery
	($ret,$data,$status,$associd,$op,$seq,$auth_keyid) =
	    &ntp'handle_packet($buf,$from); # ';
	&debug(sprintf("%s uses auth_keyid %d",&hostname($from),$auth_keyid)) if defined($auth_keyid);
	next unless defined($ret);

	if ($ret eq "")
	    ;# handle packet
	    ;# simple trap response messages have neither timeout nor retries
	    &clear_timeout("retry-".unpack("H*",pack("a4SC",$from,$associd,$op))) unless $op == 7;
	    delete $RETRY{pack("a4SC",$from,$associd,$op)} unless $op == 7;

	    ;# some kind of error
	    &log(sprintf("%50s: %s: %s",(gethostbyaddr($from,&AF_INET))[$[],$ret,$data));
	    if ($ret ne "TIMEOUT" && $ret ne "ERROR")

warn("$0: terminating\n");
exit 0;

;# timeout support
sub set_timeout
    local($id,$time,$proc) = @_;
    $TIMEOUTS{$id} = $time;
    $TIMEOUT_PROCS{$id} = $proc;
    @TIMEOUTS = sort timeouts keys(%TIMEOUTS);
    &debug(sprintf("Schedule timeout \"%s\" for %s", $id, $date));

sub clear_timeout
    local($id) = @_;
    delete $TIMEOUTS{$id};
    delete $TIMEOUT_PROCS{$id};
    @TIMEOUTS = sort timeouts keys(%TIMEOUTS);
    &debug("Clear  timeout \"$id\"");

0 && &refresh;
sub refresh
    local($addr) = @_[$[];
    $addr = pack("H*",$addr);
    &debug(sprintf("Refreshing trap for %s", &hostname($addr)));

0 && &retry;
sub retry
    local($tag) = @_;
    $tag = pack("H*",$tag);
    $RETRY{$tag} = 0 if (!defined($RETRY{$tag}));

    if (++$RETRY{$tag} > $MAX_TRY)
	&debug(sprintf("Retry failed: %s assoc %5d op %d",
    &debug(sprintf("Retrying: %s assoc %5d op %d",

sub process_response
    local($from,$ret,$data,$status,$associd,$op,$seq,$auth_keyid) = @_;
    if ($op == 7)		# trap response
	$msg .= sprintf("%40s trap#%-5d",
	&debug (sprintf("\nTrap %d associd %d:\n%s\n===============\n",$seq,$associd,$data));
	if ($associd == 0)	# system event
	    $msg .= "  SYSTEM   ";
	    $evnt = &ntp'SystemEvent($status); #';
	    $msg .= "$evnt ";
	    ;# for special cases add additional info
	    ($stratum) = ($data =~ /stratum=(\d+)/);
	    ($refid) = ($data =~ /refid=([\w\.]+)/);
	    $msg .= "stratum=$stratum refid=$refid";
	    if ($refid =~ /\[?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
		local($x) = (gethostbyaddr(pack("C4",$1,$2,$3,$4),&AF_INET));
		$msg .= " " . $x if defined($x)
	    if ($evnt eq "event_sync_chg")
		$msg .= sprintf("%s %s ",
				&ntp'LI($status), #',
				&ntp'ClockSource($status) #'
	    elsif ($evnt eq "event_sync/strat_chg")
		($peer) = ($data =~ /peer=([0-9]+)/);
		$msg .= " peer=$peer";
	    elsif ($evnt eq "event_clock_excptn")
		if (($device) = ($data =~ /device=\"([^\"]+)\"/))
		    ($cstatus) = ($data =~ /refclockstatus=0?x?([\da-fA-F]+)/);
		    $Cstatus = hex($cstatus);
		    $msg .= sprintf("- %-32s",&ntp'clock_status($Cstatus)); #');
		    ($timecode) = ($data =~ /timecode=\"([^\"]+)\"/);
		    $msg .= " \"$device\" \"$timecode\"";
		    push(@Requests,pack("a4SC",$from, $associd, 4));
	else			# peer event
	    $msg .= sprintf("peer %5d ",$associd);
	    ($srcadr) = ($data =~ /srcadr=\[?([\d\.]+)/);
	    $msg .= sprintf("%-18s %40s ", "[$srcadr]",
	    $evnt = &ntp'PeerEvent($status); #';
	    $msg .= "$evnt ";
	    ;# for special cases include additional info
	    if ($evnt eq "event_clock_excptn")
		if (($device) = ($data =~ /device=\"([^\"]+)\"/))
		    ($cstatus) = ($data =~ /refclockstatus=0?x?([\da-fA-F]+)/);
		    $Cstatus = hex($cstatus);
		    $msg .= sprintf("- %-32s",&ntp'clock_status($Cstatus)); #');
		    ($timecode) = ($data =~ /timecode=\"([^\"]+)\"/);
		    $msg .= " \"$device\" \"$timecode\"";
		    ;# no clockvars included - post a cv request
		    push(@Requests,pack("a4SC",$from, $associd, 4));
	    elsif ($evnt eq "event_stratum_chg")
		($stratum) = ($data =~ /stratum=(\d+)/);
		$msg .= "new stratum $stratum";
    elsif ($op == 6)		# set trap resonse
	&debug("Set trap ok from ",&hostname($from));
    elsif ($op == 4)		# read clock variables response
	;# status of clock
	$msg .= sprintf(" %40s ", &hostname($from));
	if ($associd == 0)
	    $msg .= "system clock status: ";
	    $msg .= sprintf("peer %5d clock",$associd);
	$msg .= sprintf("%-32s",&ntp'clock_status($status)); #');
	($device) = ($data =~ /device=\"([^\"]+)\"/);
	($timecode) = ($data =~ /timecode=\"([^\"]+)\"/);
	$msg .= " \"$device\" \"$timecode\"";
    elsif ($op == 31)		# unset trap response (UNOFFICIAL op)
	;# clear timeout
	&debug("Clear Trap ok from ",&hostname($from));
    else			# unexpected response
	$msg .= "unexpected response to op $op assoc=$associd";
	$msg .= sprintf(" status=%04x",$status);