$FreeBSD: head/contrib/ncurses/FREEBSD-upgrade 184990 2008-11-15 09:30:09Z rafan $


	The release tarball can be found at GNU FTP sites.
	The beta version can be found at ftp://invisible-island.net/ncurses/
	or ftp://dickey.his.com/ncurses/

For the import files and directories were pruned by:

	tar -X FREEBSD-Xlist -zxf ncurses-5.7.tar.gz

check if there are any new bits that we don't want.

The instructions for importing new release and merging to HEAD can be found
at FreeBSD wiki:


The version tag can be obtained from contrib/ncurses/dist.mk.

To make local changes to ncurses, simply patch and commit to the trunk
branch (aka HEAD).  Never make local changes on the vendor branch.

All local changes should be submitted to Thomas Dickey for inclusion in
the next vendor release. The author is very willing to help us.

After importing, you have to update files in lib/ncurses. To configure
ncurses, go to /usr/ports/devel/ncurses and

	make WITHOUT_TERMINFO=1 configure

Update ncurses_cfg.h and necessary Makefile glues from ${WRKSRC}/build.nowidec.
Directory for wide character support is ${WRKSRC}/build.widec
You may have to update ncurses-specific glue in termcap.c (check if 
ncurses/tinfo/read_termcap.c has been changed since last import).

Current local changes:

  r50620: native termcap tweaking      (cvs r1.2)

  r50620: native termcap tweaking      (cvs r1.2)
  r50850: remove GCC_UNUSED for r50620 (cvs r1.4)

  This is not used. We have our own src/lib/ncurses/termcap.c
